Who We Are

Community based organisation (CBO) that works for the well being of the community members.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT INITIATIVE- COSI Community Support Initiative -COSI is a community based organization (CBO) that works for the wellbeing of community members/citizens with the focus on marginalized groups of girls, women and youth regardless of race, creed or religion as a forum where community members come together to take action on what is important to them by fully realizing their economic and political rights through innovative, sustained and structured advocacy as well as empowerment interventions to be supported by the government ,national agencies or like-minded organizations.
The organization empowers the community members and creates a stronger and more connected community. COSI is fundamentally based on values of human rights, social justice, equity and mutual respect.

COSI works closely with 7 grassroot organisations namely:

  1. Cosi Women Groups in Rongo Municipality,
  2. Central kamagambo Social Justice Centre in Rongo municipality,
  3. Uriri Community Justice Centre in Awendo municipality,
  4. Wuoth Ogik Community Based Organization in Migori municipality,
  5. Ogwedhi Maasai Community Based Organization in Kehancha municipality,
  6. Oyani Social juctice centre in Migori Municipality
  7. Obunga social justice center in Kisumu.

Happy Members


Hours Of Support

Hard Workers

COSI is a development entity with the main aim of supporting the community particularly the most vulnerable i.e. skilled/talented girls, women and youth through a holistic and sustainable approach in line with the UN SDGs, startup nation and Kenya Vision 2030 through capacity building, facilitating economic empowerment , and environmental protection activities to achieve knowledge, skills, networks and motivation that will make them aim to have an improved acceptable living standard and gain human dignity.
COSI was founded in 2021 and registered in 2022 in Kenya by individuals with the experience in various fields in community development work composed of young professionals, students, young workers in the informal sector, urban and rural poor united to perform tasks by themselves and engage the citizens for participatory governance


To be a productive, livable and smart community


To provide a just society that educates its people for sustainable empowerment and prosperous community

Historically, Community Support Initiative - COSI has been officially in existence from 2022 as a community based organization but its history of evolution began 13 years ago in 2010 when its precursor Kodek Youth Group was formed to champion the interest of youth in central Kamagambo location/ward, Rongo, migori in Kenya.
The COSI was then transformed from Kodek Youth Group into a fully community development forum in the year 2021.

Our Development Priorirty Areas

Advocacy and Outreach

Justice and Human Rights

Leadership and Governance

Media Sports and Arts

Entrepreneurship and Microfinance

Agricultural Support

Professional Integrity

We posses a sterling character of being trustworthy and always on the right side

Passion for results

We encourage and make the community members do well in their areas of specialisation

Participatory Approach

We design an overall process that clearly defines all the interralated activities that we support in the community

Commitment to Team Work

We build and strengthen teams and we allow them to work in their own way

Innovation and Visionary

We look for opportunities and and understands the ever changing tendencies of the modern world and find answers to them

Ethical Standards

All personnel must be committed to telling the truth in all forms of communication and in all actions

Commitment to Community Welfare

We help by creating a stronger and more resilient community where everyone can do well

Transaparency and Accountability

We share information to the community and and act in an open manner and we are held responsible

Our Partners

We work with best with